Candidate to the profession of architect

An intellectual at heart, Francis has always loved to learn. His combination of technical and architectural studies, but above all his artistic eye, quickly led him to become the office benchmark in terms of design. His attention to detail and passion for art in the broadest sense definitely that fuel his creativity and result in such elegant projects.

Not limited to design, Francis is interested in a wide range of subjects, and always surprises us with his vast knowledge. Whether it’s for news, politics, arts, culture, environment or even sports, be prepared to hold your own because Francis is well-informed and is always ready to debate. His wide-ranging of interests can also be put into good use; for series, documentary or reading recommendation. He’s the ideal person to steer you in the right direction. As a great nostalgic, he escapes just as much in a paperback read, and of course, also in a nature outing on the run.

The whole thing is often set to music, with the lyrics invariably evoking his state of mind: Je vis de notes et je vis de lumière I live by notes and I live by light. Ironically, for someone who masters the pencil line so beautifully, Francis is notoriously clumsy, regularly spilling coffee cups in his path.

Amazing as it may seem, his imagination is an infinite database capable of maneuvering through projects of any scale. Indeed, whatever the topics, Francis will put his heart and soul into exploring new avenues.

“As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past and an essentially unknown future. ” – Norman Foster