We love the process.The worksite is always more interestingthan the inauguration.
We believe that the “why” is more
more important than “how”.
To support this qualitative vision of design and generate ideas, ADHOC tints its life projects by drawing inspiration from what surrounds us, which resonates with the project in the form of analogy. More than a simple resemblance, this accompanies the maturing of the project and creates links, borrowings from reality, with the aim of going beyond the functional aspect of the project and revealing a second level of reading.
We draw our inspiration from the context of the project, the needs and personalities of our clients, and nature itself, with the aim of giving the project a real identity and a poetic touch.

The boardwalk
Fun / Popular / Colors / Stage / Meeting / Nostalgia
The “Boardwalk” has its own codes: colorful, bright and lively, with shops and passers-by enjoying the pleasure of being surrounded. It develops its own references to a popular culture nostalgic for moments of pleasure, where shell jewel merchants populate the day, while cotton candy fills the night with its sweet flavors, true scenes nourishing the feeling of a summer vacation.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Promenade au gré du flot
Photo credits : Ben Thomas Chroma III

Pixel / Accumulation / Totality / Unity / Ensemble / Impressionism
The sharp, smooth digital image actually conceals a multitude of pixels. These small colored squares depend on one another to form an image. These notions of accumulation and harmonious arrangement create a whole inspired projects with a resolutely contemporary, graphic aesthetic ones.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Univers Nuface, Les jardins de Métis
Photo credits : Tobias Hägg Nordic design collective

Assembly / Craft / Weft / Regularity / Interlocking / Wood / Play
Stemming from an ancestral art, Japanese construction allows you to create wooden buildings without using a single nail. Yes, without a single nail! This unrivalled precision is particularly inspiring for its simplicity and building-game-like flexibility!
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Phare 4X4
Source : inaca.me Construction Japonaise Traditionnelle

Contrast / Skin / Interior / Envelope
Like a crunchy apple, the project only reveals its true flavor once you’ve reached its heart: the outside contrasts with the inside. A smooth red skin gives way to an immaculate sweet whiteness, and a monolithic exterior contrasts with an incredibly pure interior.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Chez Lorraine, ADHOC rue Rielle project, La Géode, L’Artisan
Source : pixabay

Vegetation / Resource / Abundance / Mirage / Surprise
On a journey through the hostile conditions of the desert, you’ll be delighted to find an oasis. This pleasure and need to recharge one’s batteries also complements an urban lifestyle. This notion inspires real urban oases where light and vegetation are integrated into the center of the habitat.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : ADHOC rue Rielle project, La Géode, L’Artisan, Laval Avenue residence, Tollab project
Source : pixabay

Cooperation / Teamwork / Community / Effervescence
The beehive appears as a place of intense activity, a living space animated by the effervescence and community spirit of bees. To create living units like the beehive, we need to think about the interactions between occupants and the flexibility of the proposed layouts to make cohabitation both pleasant and enriching.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : La ruche
Source : pixabay

Archetype / Purity / Minimalism / Gathering / Habitat
In our collective imagination, the archetypal house is a cube topped by a gable roof. To use this universally understandable sign is to create a language that speaks to each and every one of us. Thus, the idea of the home as welcoming and comforting is linked to elements that are necessarily familiar.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Carrefour chrétien des Maskoutains
Photo credits : Danny VB flickr

Duality / Cohabitation / Surprise / Interiority / Jewelry
The geode, beneath its austere exterior, conceals a veritable treasure trove. The inspiration drawn from this mineral element is revealed by the contrast between a monolithic, austere exterior, integrated into its surroundings, and a surprising heart transposed into singular spaces.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : La Géode
Source: Discvr.blog Behold a Rare Honeycomb Welo Opal

Linearity / Strata / Contrast / White / Verticality / Purity
A true hardwood with a soft heart, birch is characterized by its distinctive rough texture, forming lines and layers. The use of these strong graphic elements and the contrast between the shell and the heart are designed to draw on nature and establish a dialogue with it.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Chez Lorraine, L’Artisan, Yoga B.E.A.R
Source : pictures.4ever.eu

Route / Energy / Stages / Stops / Spirituality / Loop
For the Hindu, the seven chakras along the spine are energy centers which influence the state of the physical body. Drawing inspiration from the chakras means translating the energy that circulates between them, creating a journey through space, punctuated by stops with different functions: so many stages on the way to achieving a form of serenity.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Yoga B.E.A.R
Source : pinterest

Convergence / Mobility / Encounter / Crossroads / Effervescence
An everyday passageway, an ordinary place of transition, a road space for distribution… but not just that! Taking inspiration from the traffic circle means highlighting its potential as a place of appropriation, a public square and an attractive place of convergence: an ode to movement.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Carrefour PAT-21
Source : All womens talk Bird’s eye views that will leave you breathless

Secret / Retirement / Protection
Push open an anonymous, massive door, similar to all the others (…) and there, discover the calm and freshness of the patio, the murmur of the fountain amid the orange trees, the riad is a vestige of Paradise Lost (Anonymous poet, 19th century).
Taking inspiration from a Moroccan Riad means associating it with sensations such as the wonder of discovering the place.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : La Géode
Photo credits : Ken Kochey Sarah Laird & Good Company

Work-housing fusion / Creativity / Mixed use / Eclecticism / Life
A blend of workplace and home, the artist’s studio blurs the boundaries between functions. It’s a space that feels like home, stimulating the imagination and creating a convivial atmosphere. Taking inspiration from this fusion means wanting to recreate this atmosphere, this effervescence in today’s offices.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : L’Artisan
Source : imgur For those who love disorder: an artist’s studio

Temporality / Duality / Evolution / Ephemeral / Strength / Life
Nature, a constant source of wonder, is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. It expresses temporality, seasonality and the ephemeral, bringing us back to our status as living beings. These sensations are heightened when plant and mineral elements are brought face to face, enhancing their duality.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : La Géode, L’Artisan,
Les jardins de Métis
Source : pinterest

Monolith / Integration / Fusion / Camouflage / Adaptation / Environment
The omnipresence of brick, a monolithic appearance and exterior staircases characterize (among other things) the Montreal landscape. Inspired by the vernacular aspect of architecture, we graft ourselves onto our environment, even camouflaging ourselves by reinterpreting its codes to create spaces that fit in.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : La Géode, L’Artisan, Chez Claude & Jean-François, Projet Lachine
Source : pixabay

Infinity / Circle / Symbol / Union
With only one side, unlike a traditional ribbon, the Moebius ring imposes a ceaseless movement suggesting the infinite. Like the movement of life, its symbolism inspires urban design projects aimed at uniting and bringing together city-dwellers in all their diversity.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : L’anneau des montréalais
Photo credits : Dan Holdsworth en collaboration avec studio YES
Warp Records

Play of scale / Boundary / Interiority / Landscape / Vegetation
Symbolizing the harmony between man and nature, bonsai, “potted plant”, inspires architectural projects in which plants play a predominant role. The plants blend in with the protective envelope, introducing a play on scale and blurring boundaries, with interior and exterior forming a whole, a landscape meticulously crafted by the architect.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Bonsaï Project
Photo credits : Bonsai Tree Gardener Slanting – Shakan

Temporality / Interaction / Event / Movement
When spring arrives, the flowering season is a source of wonder and magic, as it depends on the whims of the environment. Flowers inspire ephemeral installations that interact with the elements to create festive and unifying spaces.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : S.P.O.T, Les jardins de Métis
Source : pixabay

Instant / Virtual / Innovation / Collaboration / Network / Interaction / Communication/ Interface / Sharing / Digital art
In the age of immediacy, thanks to the evolution of information and communication technologies, the urban devices imagined by architects and designers must emphasize collaborative design, sharing and interaction by integrating this technological dimension.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Les jardins de Métis,
L’anneau des montréalais
Source : VR World What is the future of virtual reality?

Dialogue / Reinterpretation / Integration / Mirroring
Each project is unique, reflecting the context in which it is integrated, whether natural or urban. The mirror effect consists in drawing on these elements to reinterpret them and exacerbate their identity.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Chez Lorraine, ADHOC Project
Photo credits : Victoria Siemer Reflected Landscapes

Opposition / Confrontation / Clair-obscur / Exacerbation
Contrast, as opposition between two or more things, is highlighted and emphasized by bringing them together. When contrasting elements are brought together, the space acquires a new depth, zones are delineated, accentuated and highlighted, and the architecture guides the visitor.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Univers Nuface
Source : Pinterest

Minimalism / Purity / Japanese aesthetics / Serenity
A culture of sensitive perception, the importance of empty space manifests itself in a multitude of arts in Japan and is represented by the notion of “Ma”. Don’t be fooled! “In architecture, it inspires white, minimalist, uncluttered spaces that give importance to even the most discreet motifs, colors, materials, outdoor spaces and natural lighting, creating pleasant, soothing living spaces.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Univers Nuface, Yoga B.E.A.R Résidence de l’avenue Laval
Source : Margenes arquitectura Ma

Shade / Delicacy / Reflections / Iridescence / Pattern / Scales / Lightness
As a symbol of freedom and a source of fascination, the butterfly carries within it a structural secret at the origin of its iridescence. The microscopic texture of its wings inspires an abstract motif that translates this extraordinary color sensation.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Univers Nuface
Crédit photo : Charles Krebs Photomicrography

Entertainment / Escape / Daydream / Regressive memory / Childhood / Fun / Carefree / Poetry
Play is everywhere. A universal notion, play amuses, entertains, pits us against one another or makes us dream. Taking inspiration from play means setting up playful interactions between people and an installation to evoke a sense of escape and timeless reverie, injecting a form of poetry into everyday life.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : S.P.O.T, Projet Connexion
Source : Pinterest

Envelope / Organicity / Mesh / Textile / Structure
Taking inspiration from textiles means taking inspiration from the mesh formed during weaving, and its fluidity. Like a garment that follows the body’s movements, the interior spaces are covered with a woven envelope suggesting the contrast between an organic body and the garment that dresses it.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : L’Artisan
Photo credits : Tobias Hägg Nordic design collective

Duality / Served spaces / Servant spaces / Void / Light and shade
Play is everywhere. A universal notion, play amuses, entertains, pits us against one another or makes us dream. Taking inspiration from play means setting up playful interactions between people and an installation to evoke a sense of escape and timeless reverie, injecting a form of poetry into everyday life.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : Univers Nuface, Chez Lorraine
Photo credits : Klaus Frahm Theater architecture from an actor’s point-of-view

Frame / Rhythm / Pattern / Subdivision / Linearity / Intersection / Volume / Texture / Crisscrossing
An iconic fabric, tartan is made up of alternating bands of yarn dyed in the mass, creating interactions between the wefts and used colors. The famous pattern is transposed beyond the realm of textiles, inspiring the interplay of bricks and materials that give rhythm to facades.
Project(s) inspired by this notion : L’Artisan
Source : Burberry plaid Pinterest