Project Manager

Working with Winsane is a charm! She’s full of initiative, nothing escapes her, and you just have to let yourself be guided with her. Behind her silences, this architect is always on the lookout for new ideas. As a result, her questions are always pertinent and to the point; she anticipates the pitfalls and she is already busy solving them. Because yes, Winsane likes to leave as little as possible to chance. Always calm in appearance, she draws her confidence and serenity from her upstream preparation. (and perhaps also her gardening sessions, pottery and walks with her dog are the moments of zenitude by excellence).. It’s a preparation she began several years ago, expanding her horizons and knowledge through her many travels.

As a Cartesian, Winsane loves learning and solving problems. She therefore combines art and technique in her work as much as in her free time, where she has even learned to play various instruments as piano, guitar and drums. In other words, Winsane is capable of working on a wide range of projects, from residential to institutional ones. Her time management is equally impeccable. This must certainly contribute to the comforting effect she has on those around her. Beneath her somewhat introverted exterior, Winsane reveals herself with a great sense of repartee. So keep your ears open for her words of wisdom and subtle humor!