Operations Manager

A seasoned observer, our Operations Manager gets everyone up to speed thanks to her keen sense of observation and organization ! Supervisory and benevolent, comforting but nurturing, she fulfills her tasks with an iron fist hidden in a velvet glove. She watches over her brood as the guarantor of balance and discipline within the workshop (just like the tablets and laser meters!) and defends her kingdom like an eagle protects its forest.

Rest assured! Controlling but never tyrannical, Camille will give you the warmest welcome. To tell you the truth, when she offers you a cup of coffee, I will recommend you to opt for her latte – it’s a real knockout!

And maybe she’ll share the latest gossip with you. A true point of reference for the team, who find in her an attentive and caring ear. Our coordinator keeps abreast of everything that’s going on in the office (and everywhere else). And just as well, she loves news! Almost as much as Harry Potter, Céline Dion, puzzles or a glass of fresh, sparkling bubbly, exactly like her.