Candidate to the architectural profession

Virginie is the top of the tactical intervention group; the elite in whom you can have blind confidence and whose maturity is astonishing for her rookie status. No one in the brigade ever doubts her ability to hit the target or accomplish any tasks, because she’s as much a master of technique as she is of management and design. Whatever the objective is, she does her utmost to implement it; as preparation and organization are the foundations.True to herself, she will never go against her ecological or social convictions, because she does everything with heart.

Persevering and combative, Virginie doesn’t let herself be pushed around, because she knows that a career in architecture is a marathon (like her favourite sport). What is her driving force though? Becoming a better version of herself. What about her method? Bring out the heavy artillery to climb the ladder of knowledge, whatever it may be. The constant quest for improvement and perfection is her weapon of her choice, making her a feared ally of opponents. Straightforward and direct, Virginie’s aim is straight to the point. You’re sure to get the straight goods with her. No wonder then that this architectural strategist is already a veteran among the greats.

“Leadership is the ability to turn vision into reality” – Warren Bennis